Frank Chen

Frank Chen

make goals a reality and understand the process

Most high level athletes are not well-rounded because they have intense commitment to their highest priorities.

  1. What is important to you?
  2. What values do they encapsulate?
  3. Is the way you spend your time congruent with your priorities and values?

Stretch goals, even if you do not reach them, allow room for dreaming. Even if you fail (and you shouldn't view it as so, you've gone way beyond your capabilities.

Understand that along the way, being better comes before being the best. Most people lead quiet lives of desperation because they have never reached for their deepest desires.

Set smart goals.

  1. Make your passion your master priority.
  2. Have a big "why." Your master priority should be something worth trading your life for.
  3. Break down your outcome goal into smaller incremental progress steps; focus on each step and then move on to the next.
  4. Align your goals. Look for goal overlap and determine if your goals are supportive of each other.
  5. Don't focus on too many goals at one time.
  6. Understand the time commitment needed to achieve your goals. Time-block and treat each block as a sacred slot that is not to be disturbed or interrupted.
  7. Make your goals specific, measurable, and challenging, but also achievable and time-bound.
  8. Use a whiteboard to brainstorm and keep your goals in front of you and make them as big as possible.
  9. Don't be afraid to modify your goals. If you suffer an injury, you may have to lower your goal if it relies on physical performance. If you are achieving goals too easily, you may have to adjust them and make your goals more challenging.
  10. Divide your goals into three categories: process (the way you are going to tackle them), performance (the progress you're making), and outcome (the results you're achieving).

Source: Mindset Secrets for Winning by Mark Minervini

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